Experian Non-Bank Bureau

Are You Aware that You can have Access to your Debtors’ Payment Records on a timely basis?

Join our Experian Non-Bank Bureau to get a complete analysis of your debtors' payment history and get informed of any potential business failures to reduce your bad debts rate.

Experian Non-Bank Bureau Works ?

  1. It is a formal information-sharing platform
  2. Experian Non-Bank Bureau acts as a neutral entity to collate credit information from all its participating members and in return, provide timely payment information for them
Information-Sharing Process

Benefits of Experian Non-Bank Bureau

The usual background checks reveal information such as litigation pending against individuals or companies, but it does not reveal whether the company or individual has been or would be a good or bad paymaster.

With the establishment of Experian Non-Bank Bureau, participating members can have a complete analysis of their debtors including their payment history and benefit in the following ways:

FAQ for Credit Bureau Service


Contact our customer service via email at cs@experian.com to find out how to register as a member.